Pure 18 少女前缐IMI Desert Eagle – Girls Frontline Bangladeshi
Meyer,” she replied quickly, “c-can I have my stuff now!?!” “When we get back to my place,” he replied, “now be a good girl and give me some head!!!” Being so used to sucking cock, she just let her head fall naturally into his lap and eagerly sucked him to a hard fast orgasm!!!” “You really love this don't you, bitch,” he sighed while putting his dick back into his pants, “you've got a real fucking talent for it!!!” “Thanks, Solly,” she replied while leaning up against him, “I'm glad you think so!!!”
Back at Big Solly's place, she plunged the needle into her arm and let the warmth flow through her, as this was the moment in the day she lived for!!! She didn't care about her husband, her country, or herself for that matter, all she cared about was getting her next fix!!! She was right in the middle of her float, when Big Solly said softly, “Baby, I got somebody here who wants to fuck and suck the president's wife, be a good girl and spread your legs!!!” “Sure, Solly,” she said dreamily, “anything you say, lover!!!” She was half out of it, but she offered no resistance when a short blonde woman slid her mouth onto Jennifer's hairy cunt and slowly began tonguing her open crack!!! “Oh, myyyyy,” Jennifer sighed, “that's very nice, mmmmmm, do my little clit for me, ohhhhhhhhhhhhh yessssssssss!!!” The few times Big Solly let her be taken while she was still high produced prodigious orgasms that literally blew her cunt away, and this time was no exception, as one of the side effects of the heroin was that she had massive orgasms when in its thrall!!! “Who's doing this to me,” she moaned, “you are very nice, suck mama's pussy, oh yes, do it to me good!!!” The woman had a very insistent tongue that knew every trick in the book, and in a matter of a few minutes, Jennifer's cunt convulsed in a series of brutally hard climaxes that left her shaking and drooling in a heap on the bed!!! “Now it's my turn,” the unknown woman ordered while positioning her wet pussy over Jennifer's open mouth, “that's a good girl, you know what to do, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh that's right, suck my cunt you fucking whore!!!” And she did it like she had been sucking cunt all of her life, hungrily, urgently, like she was born to do it!!! Instinctively she went straight to the blonde's clit and sucked and licked it like a nipple!!! The blonde forced her vulva down harder, while at the same time maneuvering her clit to maintain maximum contact with Jennifer's eager tongue!!! This went on for some time, so when someone slid between her legs and jammed a cock deep inside of her, Jennifer merely groaned hard into the blonde's hairy cunt and convulsed in another excruciatingly hard climax!!! Seconds later the blonde followed suit, grinding and pressing her cunt flesh into Jennifer's panting mouth until she was totally spent and satisfied!!! She rolled off of her and the two women lay side by side with their legs spread wide apart and juice dripping slowly from their pussies, and as sleep began to overtake them, the two women slid together and held each other as they lost consciousness!!!
It had been almost two months since the kidnapping, and the president had long since given up hope of ever seeing his wife again, that is until that fateful day he received a phone call on his private line!!! “Is this President Prick,” said the voice on the other end of the line!?! “This is the president,” Kenny replied, “who is this and how did you get this number!?!” “Shut your fucking mouth and listen,” the voice snapped viciously, “you wanna see your whore wife alive!?!” “Y-you've got Jennifer,” he asked excitedly!?! “Yeah, I got her,” the voice answered, “she's been fucking everything in sight, kinda like you do I hear!!!” Ignoring the little shot, Kenny Boyle asked, “all right, what do you want!?!” “What do I want,” the voice spat, “I want my brother out of that fucking prison within a year, you fucking got it!?!” “Shit,” Kenny Boyle thought, “it's that fucking psycho, Solly Meyer, he's the one who took Jen!!!” “I can't do that,” the president replied, “he was convicted and has to serve out his term!!!” “You want me to send you a piece of her a day for the next six weeks,” Solly shot back!?! “No, no,” Kenny replied quickly, “maybe there's something I could do!!!” “You fucking A there's something you can do,” he answered, “you can give him a fucking pardon, that's what you can do!!!” “Uh, okay,” Kenny replied, “but what about Jennifer, how do I know that you really have her and she's all right!?!” “Just look out your window, see that gray sedan, she's in it,” he replied, “and if you're thinking about reneging on our deal, don't, I have a lot of nice movies and videos of wifey suckin' and fuckin' every low life scum bag in town, you got it!?!” “I got it,” Kenny replied, as he hung up the phone and pressed the intercom button for his chief of staff and said, “Tom, come on in here, I've think I've found Jennifer!!!
THE END. Watch anime hentai Meyer, d-don't make me do that, I-I can't!!!” “Hey, honey,” he said smoothly, no one's making anybody do anything, “if you don't really want the horse, no problem, okay boys, let's leave her alone, she doesn't need us around, let's go!!!” “As Big Solly and his men slowly began filing out of her small bedroom, a feeling of desperation shot through her as she realized her only hope of getting “well” was by sucking the dreadful Mike!!! The cold shakes again wracked her body as it begged her to pour some relief into her veins, and in a half state of delirium, she begged Big Solly to bring Mike back into the room!!! “Hey, Mikey,” Bigg Solly yelled, “get back in here, the little lady wants to meet ya up close and personal!!!” It had gotten to the point where she didn't even care that there were five other men in the room watching, all she wanted to do was get Mike's cock into her mouth so that she could suck him off as quickly as possible!!! “Mmmmm, baby,” Mike offered, “the president is one lucky motherfucker to have a cock sucker like you around the house, oh yeah, baby, suck that pecker!!!” The other men in the room offered words of encouragement to their lucky buddy, and it didn't take more than a minute or so more before Mike's big dick spasmed hard and emptied it seed deep into her throat, while Mike groaned loud and long as Jennifer Boyle, the wife of the President of the United States gave him one of the best blow jobs he had ever had!!!
After that, the only way Jennifer could get her fix was to suck of or fuck one of Big Solly's personal friends or associates!!! It became a habit, a cock in her mouth and a needle in her arm, you couldn't have one without the other!!! As the weeks passed Jennifer began losing a lot of weight and started looking remarkably like the addict whores who plied their wares on Washington's mean streets!!! With her hair a disheveled mess and her eyes having a dark sunken appearance, Big Solly came into her room and announced, “new game plan, lady, we're gonna let you go!!!” “I don't wanna leave,” Jennifer wailed, “where am I gonna get my junk if I leave here!!!” “Don't worry, baby,” he said soothingly, “I have that all figured out, you'll get your fix, but you just have to earn it in another way, that's all!!!” “What do I have to do,” she said a little too eagerly!?! “Here, put this on,” he said while tossing her a whore's outfit of a teddi, stockings, and high heeled shoes, “you gotta earn your keep on the streets, baby!!!” She looked at him with fear in her eyes, but realized he held all the aces, so she slowly stripped of her clothing and donned the slut outfit provided by Big Solly!!! “Mmmmm, baby, you look nice,” he said evilly, “now let's go see how the other half lives!!!”
She was almost unrecognizable in her present state, so when Solly dropped her off at whore's corner none of the other girls even gave her a second look!!! Finally about an hour after he had dropped her off, she got her first customer, a young man from suburban Maryland!!! She hopped into his car, and for the vast sum of thirty five dollars, the young man got his cock sucked off by Jennifer Boyle, the First Lady of the United States!!! With cum still dripping down her chin, she stuck the cash into her panties and went back to her corner to flag down more tricks!!! By midnight and having earned about one hundred fifty dollars, she slid back into Big Solly's car for the ride back to his place!!! “How'd we do to night, baby,” he asked!?! “I made a lot of money, Mr.
- Parodies: Girls frontline
- Other Name: [Nbit] 少女前缐IMI Desert Eagle (少女前線) [中国翻訳]
- Categories: Artist CG
- Source: Ehentai
- Tags: Footjob, Sole female, Stockings, Variant set, Porn hentai, Hentai gif, Best Hentai
- Artists: Nbit
- Languages: Chinese, Translated
Hentai: [Nbit]少女前缐IMI Desert Eagle(Girls' Frontline) [Chinese] [大受气包烤RO组汉化]
[Nbit] 少女前缐IMI Desert Eagle (少女前線) [中国翻訳]
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