Beurette Predator – Alien Vs Predator Halo

Beurette Predator - Alien Vs Predator Halo

Emma, tired of waiting for a yes or no, walked up to JJ, reaching for his crotch, unzipping his flies and pulling his cock out, both of them were paralized with shock to stop her and by the time Katlin snapped back into reality, Emma had slipped the head of his cock into her mouth and gave it the first suck, followed by a groan from the lips of JJ, Emma pulled it out looking up at JJ, “its so big”, as she went to put it back in her mouth, Katlin stopped her and pulled her to her feet, “hey what the fuck do you think your doing, thats my boyfriend, what makes you think you can come here and take him away from me”?, with that Emma smiled at walked up to her cupping her pussy and squezzing, “baby, i am not taking him anywhere i will not be taking you”. JJ, hung up the phone, “that was Nick, they found a run away being raped by those two ass holes, Terry and Luke, they are brining her here”, JJ had summond all the members to the main room, and Katlin for the first time saw them all, “as always we will respect our rules, and wellcome her here, i know me and Andrew have not always got on, but bellive it or not there is respect therte between us, and we both agree to homer these rules past down onto us, so i dont want to see any unwelcome faces there”, Andrew nodded, “as you all knew this club was built to help ALL run aways, you, me and JJ, anyone, and altho we dont always like each other like he said, i do have respect for him, and these rules, so make sure you abbide by them”, Katlin only just realised that there was a softer side to Andrew, he just had a hard time showing it, and she decided to remedy this abit later on, suddenly there was a honk on the horn, “ok thats them everyone out to greet now”, everyone left and sure enough Nick and Annie were leading a scared looking girl towards them, “whats going on here, where am i”, JJ looked at Nick, “i trust you said nothing to her about this place”, Nick shook his head, “no way JJ, as always we leave that to you or Andrew”, JJ looked at Andrew who looked at his watch, “you take this one JJ, i have got to be somwhere in town”, JJ nodded, “ok watch your back man”, Andrew shrugged, “always” and with that he was gone.

Hentai: Predator

Predator 0Predator 1Predator 2Predator 3Predator 4Predator 5Predator 6Predator 7Predator 8Predator 9Predator 10Predator 11Predator 12Predator 13Predator 14

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